Built-In Viewers |
Montage supports a variety of internal program components for viewing, editing, and exploring certain types of data. These built-in viewers operate in interior (child) windows contained within the Montage Desktop window. Unlike external applications, which are independent programs that run under separate processes in exterior (top-level) windows, built-in viewers are integral to Montage itself (i.e. they are part of the program, MONTAGE3.EXE). Montage Shortcuts can be associated with either external applications or internal viewers, and the Shortcut Properties dialog is supported in either case.
Features supporting built-in viewers are disabled by default, and the related documentation is sparse, because this area of Montage is still under development, and drastic revisions are anticipated. (See INFO: issues regarding the current implementation of Montage's built-in viewers for further details.) To use these facilities, you should check the Advanced, Built-in Viewers option of the Montage Options context menu. Note that a number of menu options, such as the main Format menu, are present only when built-in viewers have been enabled. To create an internal Shortcut to a viewer, use the Window, Create Shortcut command. The following types of viewers exist, but only the Image viewer and Text editing viewer currently are usable by non-developers.
In conjunction with Montage's built-in viewers, there is a dialog used to open a given file with a specified type of viewer. (This dialog also is preliminary, but usable.) When the Advanced, Built-in Viewers option has been turned ON, you can access the Open With... dialog either through the File, Open With... command, or the Open With... command of the Desktop context menu.
Note: documentation relating to Montage's built-in viewers is deliberately sketchy and incomplete, because substantial revisions are planned for these features and interfaces (see MKB00016). |
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Montage Help page, last edited:
12/31/10 16:20